Johnson Interview Request

I just (about 10 minutes ago) received an e-mail from Johnson about scheduling an interview. I would say that this is not exactly a coincidence, as I just e-mailed back and forth with Randall Sawyer this week about coming up to campus, but I would like to think I could attribute some of this to my own merit. Needless to say I am thrilled about this and I am furiously trying to come up with a day that I can interview, while giving myself a chance to prep for the interview. I am really excited about this and I am pretty pumped to see what Ithaca has to offer. Bring on the cold, bring on the snow, I am on the march!!!!!

5 Responses

  1. […] the full article: Johnson Interview Request AKPC_IDS += "5810,"; Share this […]

  2. Congratulations! You’ll find valuable interview prep advice on Accepted’s MBA Interview Database (–you can search specifically for Johnson interviewee feedback.

    Good luck with your interview and keep us posted!

    Sarah Pritzker

    • Sarah – Thanks for the link….that should make it much easier to prep for the interview. I will be sure to let you know how it goes. Thanks for reading!

  3. Good stuff man! Wear a warm jacket up there.

    • I plan on wearing 3 warm jackets, a few sweaters, and a double layer of socks! Though I figure that it can’t be any more miserable than yesterday morning. Give me snow, give me cold, but rain, wind, and cold together is not the way I want to start a day. Thanks for the congrats! You finishing up your Johnson app now?

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